Symmetry IQ™ Wrench Cassette
Symmetry IQ™ Wrench Cassette
Accommodates 3 Symmetry Piezo Tips in Guardian Wrenches, Blue Rail. Wrenches not included. Exterior Dimensions 5.63" x 1.95" x 1.77" (143 mm x 50 mm x 45 mm).
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IMS™ cassettes are made of long-lasting, low-maintenance stainless steel. Soft, colored silicone rails securely hold instruments throughout the processing cycle. Available in over 100 different sizes, configurations and color options, and can be specialized to meet your needs. Learn more about how Hu-Friedy's Instrument Management System (IMS) can help your practice increase productivity, efficiency and profitability, while improving safety and compliance in your practice.
IMS Catalog | DOWNLOAD |
IMS Troubleshooting Guide | DOWNLOAD |
IMS End User Brochure - with Infinity Cassettes | DOWNLOAD |
Dr. Tholen Article | DOWNLOAD |
Teaching Your Office Walls to Talk to Your Patients...and Dramatically Increasing Productivity by Dr. Mark Tholen | DOWNLOAD |
Enhancing Efficiency and Productivity Through Instrument Management - Mary Govoni | DOWNLOAD |
Dental Econ - IMS Haupers article | DOWNLOAD |
Inside Job - Dr. Palenik Spore Testing Article | DOWNLOAD |
Instrument Cassettes for Office Safety and Infection Control - Dr. Molinari Article | DOWNLOAD |
Molinari Cassette Article Inside Dentistry | DOWNLOAD |
IMS First Impressions Reprint | DOWNLOAD |
RDH Safety Management Programs - Olivia Wann | DOWNLOAD |
M4584_IMS_Govoni_Dental Economics_Article_1011 | DOWNLOAD |
M4612_IMS_Andrews_RDH_Article_1108 | DOWNLOAD |
Molinari Dental Economics Article 2009 | DOWNLOAD |
Mary Govoni Dental Economics Article | DOWNLOAD |
Mary Govoni Dental Economics Article | DOWNLOAD |
Cleaning Equipment Capacity and Sterilizer Equipment Compatibility Lists | DOWNLOAD |
HuFriedyGroup Product Catalogs | VIEW |
Instrument Reprocessing Guide | DOWNLOAD |
IMS How Practices Make Perfect
IMS Time Savings
Floss & Co. – The Benefits of Cassettes
IMS cassettes are, in my opinion, the most important efficiency tool for each dental procedure. Handling one cassette, vs. all the individual instruments for each procedure saves so much time during set-up, clean-up and reprocessing. If dental practices want to enhance productivity and efficiency, they simply must implement and IMS cassette system. The IMS products from Hu-Friedy offer dental teams the very best in quality, efficiency, safety and environmental responsibility. It's great to feel such confidence in these products and to know that my clients and seminar attendees will be happy with my recommendations.Mary Govoni, CDA, RDA, RDH, MBA
Using an instrument management system like Hu-Friedy's IMS facilitates processing and can substantially enhance instrument organization. It is essential to keep tasks as organized an safe for clinical personnel. Because direct handlilng of contaminated instruments is significantly reduced before sterilization, personnel. Because direct handling of contaminated instruments is significantly reduced before sterilization,personnel responsible for instrument cleaning and sterilization are at much less risk for sharps injuries.Dr. John Molinari, Ph.D
Warranty Information
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