Scaler Resources Library

- Sharpening Techniques
- It’s About Time Sharpening Technique
Traditional sharpening techniques have relied upon “degrees of angulation” to achieve the correct position of the stone in relation to the blade while sharpening. This alternative method utilizes the simple visual imagery of the hands of the clock to establish the correct positions while holding the instrument stationary and moving the stone.
“It’s About Time” Sharpening Technique Manual VISIT WEBSITE “It’s About Time” Sharpening Videos
- Sidekick Instructional Video
The Hu-Friedy Sidekick™ Sharpener makes routine maintenance sharpening of scalers and curettes fast and easy. This cordless, lightweight and straightforward device guides you and your scaler to sharp, consistent results time after time.
WATCH NOW - Diamond Sharpening Card Instructional Videos
Hu-Friedy’s thin, credit-card shaped Diamond Sharpening Cards are a revolutionary choice in dental instrument sharpening. These cards are available in three different grits and clinicians can utilize the same technique to sharpen as they currently use with the other hand stone options, to satisfy all sharpening needs from regular maintenance to reconditioning.
Diamond Sharpening Card Information Video WATCH NOW How to use a Diamond Sharpening Card WATCH NOW
- Continuing Education Opportunities
- Webinars
Solving the Mysteries of Instrument Sharpening
By: Tami Wanless, RDH Med
CE Credits: 1WATCH NOW Retipping Hand Instruments: The Myths
By: Sherry Burns, RDH, MS and Judy Zack Bendit, RDH, BS
CE Credits: 1WATCH NOW Don't Get Burned - Keys to Avoid and Remove Burnished Calculus
By: Anna Pattison, RDH, MS
CE Credits: 1.5 Hour(s)WATCH NOW - Articles
Sharpening Dental Instruments: Protocol for the Busy Dental Hygienist
By: Sharon Boyd, RDH, BSREAD ARTICLE How to stay on point: 20 hygienists’ best instrument sharpening
By: Product Navigator EditorsREAD ARTICLE Why Dental Hygienists Should Sharpen Their Own Instruments
By: Ethel Hagans, RDH, MBAREAD ARTICLE ROI of Sharpening Dental Instruments
To view Articles & Events, please register as a Friends of Hu-Friedy Member!READ ARTICLE - Clinical Research
Sterilization of Ceramic Sharpening Stones
By: Colin B. Wiebe et alDOWNLOAD NOW - Blog Posts
How to use Alexa in Your Operatory
Coming Soon...READ BLOG POST How are the Anna Pattison instruments different from standard Graceys?
By: Hu-FriedyREAD BLOG POST Sharp Tips For Maintaining Your Scalers
By: Hu-FriedyREAD BLOG POST Scaler vs. Sharks: Which are more misunderstood?
By: Hu-FriedyREAD BLOG POST - Videos
- Additional CE Opportunities
Hu-Friedy Continuing Education Classes VISIT WEBSITE Friends of Hu-Friedy COMING SOON
- Programs And Events
EverCare Scaler Sharpening With dynamic schedules and increasing responsibilities, dull scalers seem to pile up. You know you should be sharpening them daily but there just isn’t enough time. Take the worry out of sharpening by letting the experts sharpen for you! EverCare is a subscription based service to assist with sharpening all your Hu-Friedy branded scalers.
ENROLL TODAY Hu-Friedy Sharpening Assistant With the Hu-Friedy Sharpening Assistant, keeping your dental instruments sharp is easy! Using any Amazon Echo device or the Google Assistant App, get step-by-step instructions for sharpening any Hu-Friedy scaler or curette. This FREE educational tool removes the frustration with remembering what technique to use for all the different scaler options. It's as easy as just saying the scaler name, then follow along.
ENABLE ALEXA SKILL DOWNLOAD GOOGLE ASSISTANT Friends of Hu-Friedy Connect with your peers, share information, gain CE credit and take advantage of unique rewards!
VISIT WEBSITE Environdent Environdent offers free and environmentally responsible disposal of your old instruments – regardless of brand – and rewards you with new Hu-Friedy instruments that help you perform at your best. It's easy: for any 12 instruments you recycle, you receive 1 Hu-Friedy instrument, absolutely free.
VISIT WEBSITE Hu-Friedy News and Events Learn about upcoming Events and recent News publications from Hu-Friedy.
VISIT WEBSITE - Video and Interviews
- Sharpening Videos
- EverEdge 2.0 Better Than Ever
EverEdge scalers are sharp… EverEdge 2.0 scalers are even sharper! Using an enhanced finishing process, Hu-Friedy’s professional artisans are creating edges that are scientifically measured to be over 60% sharper than the next closest competitor. EverEdge 2.0 is engineered to be better than ever so you can be, too! WATCH VIDEO - KOL Testimonials
Hu-Friedy is honored to work over 600 Key Opinion Leaders within the dental industry. Their names are recognizable and their work is renowned as they are the leaders of the dental community. It is a pleasure to present them to you as individuals full of life, character, and vision. Spend some time getting to a few through their experiences using Hu-Friedy Products.
Testimonial - Tami Wanless Hear Tami Wanless RDH, MEd explain how EverEdge 2.0 gives her confidence.
LEARN MORE Testimonial - Kathleen Hodges Learn how EverEdge 2.0 helps Kathleen Hodges perform at her best!
LEARN MORE Testimonial - Lisa Maxwell Listen to Lisa explain how EverEdge 2.0 stays sharper longer!
- Product Information
- Clinical Application Guide
Anatomy of Dental Instruments DOWNLOAD Clinical Applications Guide DOWNLOAD Instrument Sharpening Guide DOWNLOAD - Diamond Sharpening Cards
Hu-Friedy’s thin, credit-card shaped Diamond Sharpening Cards are a revolutionary choice in dental instrument sharpening. These cards are available in three different grits and clinicians can utilize the same technique to sharpen as they currently use with the other hand stone options, to satisfy all sharpening needs from regular maintenance to reconditioning.
Hu-Friedy Customer Care - SideKick
The Hu-Friedy Sidekick™ Sharpener makes routine maintenance sharpening of scalers and curettes fast and easy. This cordless, lightweight and portable device makes sharpening convenient and simple! It is designed with easy-to-use guide channels and vertical backstops for quick positioning of scalers and curettes to provide consistent sharpening results every time.
- Sharpening Stones
The original sharpening technique requires an instrument in one hand, and your favorite sharpening stone in the other. Hu-Friedy’s extensive selection of both natural and synthetic stones provide many options to meet the needs and preferences of any clinician using this classic style of sharpening.
Learn more about Classic Sharpening Stone VISIT WEBSITE Instrument Reprocessing Guide DOWNLOAD Product Catalog DOWNLOAD Total Sharpening Solutions DOWNLOAD VISIT WEBSITE - EverEdge™ 2.0 Scalers
- Anna Pattison Instrument Set
In collaboration with Hu-Friedy, Anna Pattison, a leader in hygiene education and training, designed the new Gracey Lite Curettes. These are designed to allow for easier access in patients with tight tissue or previous attachment loss.
Pattison Gracey Lites Product Information Whether following initial scaling or surgery, the gingiva tightens as it heals and there may be areas of recession and/or residual pocket depth. Likewise, patients with relatively healthy gingiva also have tight tissue. In either case, these areas require a smaller and thinner curette blade to insert subgingivally. These new instruments have shorter, thinner, smaller blades honed at a 60° angle with a modified rigid shank specially designed to allow easier access and easier insertion under tight tissue.
DOWNLOAD Anna Pattison Instrument Kit Suggestions Anna Pattison has provided a list of recommended instruments to assist with every type of patient you could encounter! These instruments were personally selected by Anna to not only help with simple patients who just require a routine cleaning but, to assist with patients who have tight tissue, previous attachment loss, and burnished calculus.
DOWNLOAD About Anna Pattison Anna Pattison RDH, MS received her BS degree in Dental Hygiene from the University of Southern California and her MS in Dental Hygiene from Columbia University. She has been an Associate Professor at USC for over forty years, has served as Chair of the Department of Dental Hygiene. She is an internationally recognized speaker on Advanced Periodontal Instrumentation and is a co author of Periodontal Instrumentation. Anna has contributed to the last seven editions of Glickman’s and Carranza’s Clinical Periodontology and is a former Editor-in-Chief of Dimensions of Dental Hygiene and Co-Director of the Pattison Institute.
VISIT WEBSITE - Titanium Implant Scalers
Perform at your best with Hu-Friedy’s new, state of the art line of Titanium Implant Scalers. Made from the same titanium alloy as implants and abutments, these scalers are expertly designed and manufactured for implant maintenance, debridement, biofilm removal and can be used both supra and subgingivally.
Learn More about Titanium Implant Scalers VISIT WEBSITE Titanium Implant Scaler Brochure DOWNLOAD Dr. Bicuspid Excellence Award Winner VISIT WEBSITE Instrument Reprocessing Guide DOWNLOAD