Total Sharpening Solutions

Hu-Friedy’s revolutionary Diamond Sharpening Cards are available in three grit levels to satisfy all sharpening needs, from fine-tuning to complete reconditioning.
Clinicians can utilize the same sharpening techniques with the Diamond Sharpening Cards as the ones they currently use with other hand stone options.
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The original sharpening technique: instrument in one hand, your favorite sharpening stone in the other.
Hu-Friedy’s extensive selection of stones provide many options to meet the needs and preferences for this classic style of sharpening.
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For the clinician who prefers an innovative approach to sharpening, Hu-Friedy’s Sidekick is the answer.
This portable and easy-to-use sharpener will provide consistent results every time.
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Not enough hours in the day to sharpen? Do you prefer a professional to handle this for you?
Hu-Friedy’s Professional Sharpening Service is the perfect solution for your sharpening style!
CLICK HERE to learn more!
Sharpen up with our hygienist, Obaid Baig RDH – a regular feature providing insights on topics related to instrument sharpening and sharpening products. Check out great tips and tricks on how to keep your instruments sharp longer!