Calculate Your Magneto Insert/Piezo Tip Cost Per Use

Each day, you can spend up to two hours treating your patients with ultrasonic inserts. With so much time spent using inserts, it’s important to choose one that can stand up to that daily usage. Use the cost calculator below to estimate how much your inserts cost you for each procedure and see how you can use inserts at an attractive cost per procedure.
Example: 50 work weeks per year x 3 work days per week = 150 work days per year x 2 times per day single insert/tip used = 300 procedures per year per insert/tip
Your Office:
Example: $200 retail price per insert/tip ÷ 300 procedures per year per insert/tip = $.67 insert/tip cost per procedure
Your Office:
insert/tip ($)
per year per insert/tip
NOTE: Many factors affect insert/tip wear including number of insert/tips per operatory, number of inserts/tips used per procedure, patient load, periodontal type, and sterilization processes. Your usage/costs may be higher or lower due to these or other factors.