Lower Universal Forceps
Lower Universal Forceps
Showing 8 product results
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151 Apical Forceps
Presidential Lower Universal Forceps used to extract teeth from alveolar bone.

151SR Pedo Rainbow Forceps
Rainbow PresidentialОВ Pedo Series Lower Primary Teeth and Roots; Universal Forc...

151S Pedo Forceps
PresidentialОВ Pedo Series Lower Primary Teeth and Roots; Universal Forceps used...

151XAS Split Beak Pedo Forceps, Serrated
Pedo Series Lower Primary; Universal Forceps used for extracting teeth from the ...

151 Cryer Lower Universal, Atlas
Atlas Forceps are uniquely designed to enhance performance and comfort by provid...

151AS Split Beak Forceps, Serrated
Presidental Upper Incisors, Canines, and Premolars; Universal used for extractin...

101 Hull Forceps
Presidental Upper and Lower Premolars, and Deciduous; Universal Forceps used for...
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