Surface Outlets
Surface Outlets
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Surface Q/C Vacuum Outlet
White outlet accommodates both Accutron™ and Porter™ quick connect hoses.

Surface Q/C Triple Outlet (N2O-O2-Vac)
White outlet accommodates both Accutron™ and Porter™ quick connect hoses.

Surface Q/C Dual Outlet (N2O-O2)
White outlet accommodates both Accutron™ and Porter™ quick connect hoses.

Surface Q/C O2 Outlet
White outlet accommodates both Accutron™ and Porter™ quick connect hoses.

Floor Q/C Dual Outlet (N2O-O2)
White outlet accommodates both Accutron™ and Porter™ quick connect hoses.

1/2 Allen Modified Orban Knife
Allen modified Orban is 30% thinner than standard Orban.
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